Rossington Architecture


We cater each contract to its project. Depending on budget, project scale, timeline and client needs, we will structure our fees in one of three ways:

Fixed Fee – This works for new buildings, when it is quite clear what the scope of work will be throughout the job.

Percentage of Cost of Construction – The actual percentage will vary, depending on the type of project.

Hourly Basis – This structure is probably the fairest for smaller jobs, since the client ends up paying only for the time that is spent on the project, instead of paying for built-in contingencies that are naturally part of a fixed fee or percentage type of compensation.



Pre Design: including site selection and analysis, feasibility studies and site development consultant selection (i.e. surveyors, geotechnical engineers).

Programming: We help prioritize which types of spaces are needed and which make sense given the parameters of the particular job.

Schematic Design: Conceptual design is perhaps the most important phase of the process. We pride ourselves in quickly focusing on a solution that works functionally, with a design sensibility that fits within the context of the project and within zoning and other city requirements.

Planning Department Submission: We act as liaison with, and help usher the project through the Planning Department. We have found that many problems with the city can be alleviated with respectful design and meetings with adjacent property owners before submitting the plans.

Design Development: Based on approval from the planning department, we develop the design and bring on relevant consultants as needed in order to make sure all potential building issues are covered. Consultants may include, but are not limited to, the following disciplines: landscape architecture; structural, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering; geo-technical services; cost estimating; irrigation; water-proofing; media; security systems; lighting design; color consultation; furniture design; interior decoration and appointments.

Construction Documents: These documents consist of drawings and specifications that are appropriate for Building Department submission, allow a general contractor to formulate a firm bid for construction and provide all of the information from which the contractor will build the building.

Building Department Submission: We act as a liaison with the city and help usher the project through the city channels.

Bidding / Negotiation: We help the owner pre-qualify contractors who are appropriate for the job and we publish bidding documents for general contractors to put together their bids. We also help decipher these bids, compare and contrast them and determine which builder is right for the job.

Construction Observation: We provide construction related services to keep generally familiar with the course of construction. This includes weekly site visits, phone consultation as needed, coordination of consultants and city services. Our role is to help make sure the client’s interests are protected and to asssit in keeping things moving in a timely manner.

For a more comprehensive discussion on selecting an architect and the services we provide, please download the .pdf file “You and Your Architect” from the American Institute of Architect’s website